Posted: November 8, 2017
My longtime friend, Marcus Beaubier, has started a new podcast and he invited me to record an episode with him last week. The episode was released today and you can listen to it on SoundCloud or it’s embedded at the bottom of this post. The series is called Citizencast and my appearance marks its fifth episode. (For another listening treat be sure to check out another longtime friend, Lori Gibbs, on Episode 4 by clicking here.)
On our episode, Marcus and I talked about many different topics including dogs (specifically my dog because I talk of little else) and the nature of taking offence. We talked a lot about how stand-up comedy fairs in a social media world. If at any point we sound like experts that would sure be nice, but trust that it is entirely accidental.
I must confess I wasn’t sure how this would turn out. Most of the areas of discussion that we found were heretofore only a fleeting thought that I never really fleshed out. Add to that the muddiness of a head cold during the recording and I left wondering what Marcus would pull from the conversation. Turns out it’s mostly coherent! The ideas that need work I’ll mull over and develop – which is to say that I’ll mull over all of it in one way or another for quite some time. Nothing is ever really done changing and evolving (and we discuss that in a way as well).
For future updates and episodes from Citizencast be sure to follow along on Facebook or Twitter. I know that Marcus’ hope is to pull guests from a wide range of backgrounds to find out “what makes them tick” so the future of the podcast promises a great deal of variety. The up to date list of all the episodes can always be seen and listened to on SoundCloud.